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Wiccan Holidays For Mac Calendar

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We will be adding full length articles about each holiday throughout 2021

  1. Wiccan Holiday Calendar
  2. Wiccan Holidays Today
  3. Wiccan Holidays For Mac Calendar 2019


Wiccan holidays are based on the major solar and lunar events on the Wiccan Wheel of the Year. Wiccan rituals for the Sabbats, for instance, celebrate the Sun's influence on the Earth — that is, the seasonal growing cycle. Wiccan Esbats honour the phases of the Moon, particularly the Full Moon. In the Calendar app on your Mac, if needed, create a new calendar for the events. Choose File Import. Select the file with the events, then click Import. Choose the calendar to add the events to. You can also drag a file with events to Calendar. The events are added to the calendar selected in the calendar list. To subscribe to a calendar from a link on the internet or an email you received, click the link. If you do this, you can skip step 1, and the calendar's web address is filled out for you in step 2. In the Calendar app on your Mac, choose File New Calendar Subscription. Enter the calendar. Apr 29, 2021 - This is a PRINTABLE Product. NO PHYSCIAL ITEMS WILL BE SENT. The Pagan Planner is the first of its kind. It blends the functionality of a regular planner with the Pagan inspired Wheel of the Year. Featuring nature-inspired designs, inside you'll find a traditional 12 month calendar planner featuring all the major moo. Your Guide To The Pagan Calendar. I can't tell you how many times I've searched 'Pagan Calendar' to find out what is coming up. It's hard enough keeping up with birthdays, anniversaries, and everything else. Sometimes we need a reminder on the next Pagan/Wiccan holiday so we can plan the celebration and rituals.

24: Thorrablot

Norse Heathen celebration honoring Thor. A mid-winter feast.

January 21 - February 17 - Celtic Month Rowan Moon

24: Sementivae

This grain-oriented festival celebrates the planting of the fields in preparation for new gardens.

31: Disablot

This Norse celebration marks new beginnings honors the land, and revitalizes the plow for the upcoming planting season

Powamu Hopi Festival


1-2 - Imbolc/Candlemas

February 18 - March 17 - Celtic Month Ash Moon

21: Parentalia


Wiccan Holiday Calendar

This holiday focuses on quiet, personal reflection. It is also a time to honor the ancestors.


1: Matronalia

The original Mother's Day. This is the Festival of Women which is observed to honor Juno Luciana.

15: Sigrblot/Sumarsdag

Celebrate the first day of summer in Scandinavian countries

March 18 - April 14 - Celtic Month Alder

20 - Ostara/Alban Eilir/Spring Equinox

Iroquois Maple Ceremony


April 15 to May 12 Celtic Month Willow

28–May 3: Floralia

This holiday celebrates Floralia, the goddess of spring flowers and vegetation.


1 - Beltane

May 13 to June 9 - Celtic Month Hawthorn

Green Corn Dance

The Southern Ute Bear Dance (Memorial Day Weekend)


June 10 to July 7 - Celtic Month Oak

21 - Litha/Midsomer/Alban Hefin/Summer Solstice

Sun Dance


July 8 to August 4 - Celtic Month Holly

Apache (Girls Sunrise Ceremony)

17 Marina's Day Romania


1: Imbolc (Southern Hemisphere), honoring the goddess Brighid

2 - Lammas /Lughnasadh


Wiccan Holiday Calendar

This holiday focuses on quiet, personal reflection. It is also a time to honor the ancestors.


1: Matronalia

The original Mother's Day. This is the Festival of Women which is observed to honor Juno Luciana.

15: Sigrblot/Sumarsdag

Celebrate the first day of summer in Scandinavian countries

March 18 - April 14 - Celtic Month Alder

20 - Ostara/Alban Eilir/Spring Equinox

Iroquois Maple Ceremony


April 15 to May 12 Celtic Month Willow

28–May 3: Floralia

This holiday celebrates Floralia, the goddess of spring flowers and vegetation.


1 - Beltane

May 13 to June 9 - Celtic Month Hawthorn

Green Corn Dance

The Southern Ute Bear Dance (Memorial Day Weekend)


June 10 to July 7 - Celtic Month Oak

21 - Litha/Midsomer/Alban Hefin/Summer Solstice

Sun Dance


July 8 to August 4 - Celtic Month Holly

Apache (Girls Sunrise Ceremony)

17 Marina's Day Romania


1: Imbolc (Southern Hemisphere), honoring the goddess Brighid

2 - Lammas /Lughnasadh

A harvest festival Celebrate by

Eagle Dance

Hopi Flute Cermeony

August 5 to September 1 - Celtic Month Holly

13: Pomona

Pomona is the Roman goddess of apples and orchards.

23: Roman Festival of Vulcanalia


September 2 to September 29 - Celtic Month Vine

23 - Mabon /Alban Elfed /Autumnal Equinox

One of the eight major annual sabbats in the Wiccan calendar.

September 30 to October 27 - Celtic Month Ivy


3: Roman Festival of Bacchus

The God of vines, vegetation, and wine.

Oct. 21 – Nov. 1, 2021 - Samhain

October 28 to November 23 - Celtic Month Reed

The Makahiki, Hawaiian New Years Festival


November 24 to December 23 - Celtic Month Elder

Navajo Night chant


17: Beginning of Saturnalia, a Roman celebration honoring the god Saturn.

December 20 - January 1 - Yule/Midwinter/Alban Arthan/Winter Solstice

December 24 - January 20 - Celtic Tree Month Birch

31: Festival of Hogmanay

Calendar User Guide

You can view a calendar that someone published or shared by subscribing to it in Calendar.

The events shown in a subscription calendar are controlled by the provider. You can't edit calendars you are subscribed to (for example, the holiday calendar). If you want to use a calendar that several people can edit, share it instead. See Ways to share calendars.

Subscribe to a calendar

To subscribe to a calendar from a link on the internet or an email you received, click the link. If you do this, you can skip step 1, and the calendar's web address is filled out for you in step 2.

  1. In the Calendar app on your Mac, choose File > New Calendar Subscription.

  2. Enter the calendar's web address, then click Subscribe.

  3. Enter a name for the calendar in the Name field, then click the adjacent pop-up menu and choose a color.

  4. Click the Location pop-up menu, then choose an account for the subscription.

    • If you choose your iCloud account, the calendar is available on all your computers and devices that are set up with iCloud.

    • If you choose On My Mac, the calendar is saved on your computer.

  5. To get the calendar's event attachments or alerts, deselect the appropriate Remove checkboxes.

  6. Click the Auto-refresh pop-up menu, then choose how often to update the calendar.

  7. To prevent alerts from appearing for this calendar, select 'Ignore alerts.'

  8. Click OK.

    To make changes later, click the name of the calendar, then choose Edit > Get Info.

Wiccan Holidays Today

Unsubscribe from a calendar

If you want to stop subscribing to someone else's calendar, you can unsubscribe from it.

Wiccan Holidays For Mac Calendar 2019

  • In the Calendar app on your Mac, Control-click the calendar in the calendar list, then choose Unsubscribe.

    If you don't see the calendar list on the left, choose View > Show Calendar List.

See alsoRefresh calendars on MacReply to invitations in Calendar on Mac

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